The Countdown

by Breeana Reid, Staffwriter

Devils’ Advocate

It is the last semester of the school year; and seniors, it is the last semester of high school! The Winter Sports are coming to an end, but it is not too late to join a sport. In the Spring, there are many sports you can join, Ladies’ Softball, Ladies’ Swim, Ladies’ Track and Field, Men’s Volleyball, Men’s Swim, Men’s Golf, Men’s Tennis, Men’s Track and Field, and Men’s Baseball (See: Spring Sports). There is a great variety of sports students can join starting February 20th. All sports welcome newcomers, so don’t be shy to come try out for a sport. A majority of the sports have three teams – Varsity, JV, and a Novice team. Don’t forget to get a physical and complete the paperwork before tryouts. The faster the paperwork is done, the less amount of time you will stand in the clearance line.

On that note, sports is an option, but school is the first priority. Make sure to keep the grades up and keep the family happy. As you know, it is the last semester, and around this time, people are over school. Regardless, it is important that you keep pushing because it will pay off. Underclassmen, if you can, set a goal to maintain throughout the rest of high school. Seniors, if you applied for colleges, make sure you apply for FAFSA and other financial aid, grants, and scholarships. And one last note for everyone: Don’t give up now, you can do it!