A Message from Counseling

Happy Wellness Wednesday!

Monday marked the beginning of Suicide Prevention Week. During this week individuals and organizations around the country join their voices together in order to broadcast the message that suicide can be prevented, and to give as many people as possible the tools and resources to support themselves and those around them. To view films about suicide prevention, visit:www.directingchangeCA.org.

For tools and resources specific for schools and youth, visit the Each Mind Matters Suicide Prevention Week Toolkit:  www.eachmindmatters.org/SPW2018.

If you would like a counselor to visit your classes to discuss suicide prevention, please let me know.

Self-Care Tip:

Make an inspiration collage and hang it where you can see it. Use it to help generate new ideas and thoughts when you need them.

Kindness Challenge:

Ask someone “how are you today?” Practice active listening.

Please continue to encourage students to experience the Wellness Wednesday Relaxation Lounge in the Counseling Center at lunch on Wednesdays. It’s the perfect spot to de-stress and decompress. Nurse Wegener also has a relaxation space for students who need.

Have a wonderful day everyone!



Lysabeth Luansing-Garcia

School Counselor for last names PIM to SANS

Student Support Team Coordinator

Office Hours 7:45AM to 3PM



(619) 474-9771