Link Crew Welcomes Class of 2020 With Open Arms

 Link Crew Welcomes Class of 2020 With Open Arms

By Kathy Corkill, Staffwriter

The Devils’ Advocate

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Every year freshman hectically enter the doors of Sweetwater filled with panic and confusion, completely unaware of what their first day, first year, and rest of their high school experience may have in store for them. Link Crew is in charge of changing that. Link Crew is a club led by teachers Mrs. Hall, Mr. Garcia, and Mr. Pelletier, with the members, also known as the Link Crew leaders, being seniors and juniors of the Sweetwater campus. This club is dedicated to ease freshmen’s first year of high school and to excite them for what can become a marvelous memory. A couple days before the first day of school, an orientation for the freshmen was held.

In the beginning of the orientation, the Link Crew advisors broke the awkward tension in the crowd of upcoming students by offering a couple words of introduction and playing a few small games like Simon Says. The freshmen were then placed into groups. Each group of freshmen were taken to their own classroom with their two Link Crew leaders.

It begins to get intimate as the Link Crew leaders and the freshmen play different games that help them get to know each other better. Each game played includes a valuable and significant lesson for the students. For example, in one game, the students had to throw and catch multiple tennis balls at the same time. This symbolizes how in high school, multiple things will be thrown at a student all at the same time,

but one needs to be able to find balance and prioritize in order to be successful. Link Crew is a very special club because it offers the seniors and juniors a chance to provide their guidance to freshmen and help them have a successful, comfortable and enjoyable four years as Red Devils.