New Year; New Griggs

by Paulina Prieto, Staffwriter

The Devils’ Advocate

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Former 2016 teacher of the year Rachael Griggs-Hopkins has recently decided to start running the after school program at SUHi. Mrs. Griggs has been teaching different levels of math for fifteen years. “I thought it was time to shake it up a bit,” says Griggs. No worries though, our beloved teacher will still be teaching Pre-Calculus for one period during the day. “I do think I will miss students, but I will still get to see students after school,” says Griggs as she addresses her concerns regarding her new position. Mrs. Griggs wants to make sure that students get what they want out of the after school program at SUHi. Two weeks into the school year, and Rachael Griggs already has various ideas for the upcoming year.

Mrs. Griggs wants Sweetwater clubs to interact with each other and with the middle schools around the area such as National City Middle and Granger Junior High. “I want the other students to feel like they’re a part of Sweetwater when they get here,” she says. Mrs. Griggs has a lot of ideas regarding the after school organizations in our after school program.

Mrs. Griggs has been a resource teacher for other math teachers, and she will continue to do that as well. She observes them and helps them get what they need; she helps them become better teachers. She is also in charge of ordering different things students want and need for the after school program. Students this year should expect a year full of activities. There’s no doubt that the new after school advisor has an action packed year planned for Sweetwater.