School Site Council
School Site Council

All meetings will start promptly at 4pm, in room 208, Categorical Office in the Main Building.
Single Plan for Student Achievement
Public schools in California are required to have a School Site Council (SSC) to serve as the school community’s representative body in leadership and decision-making. The School Site Council’s primary responsibilities include analyzing and evaluating the academic achievement of all students in the school and developing, approving, and monitoring the school plan and all related proposed expenditures. SSC meets monthly at 4pm in Room 208. The Sweetwater High School SSC is composed of members ensuring equal representation between the parent/community members and the school staff members as follows: Parent/Community Members and Students:
- 3 parents/community members
- 3 students
Staff Members:
- 4 classroom teachers
- 1 other school staff (non-classroom teacher, counselor, instructional assistant, secretary, campus security, etc.)
- 1 principal
The School Site Council (SSC) is composed of staff, parents and students elected by their peers. The SSC oversees the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and carries out the following duties:
- Obtain recommendations for, and review of, the proposed SPSA from all school advisory committees
- Develop and approve the SPSA and related expenditures in accordance with all state and federal laws and regulations
- Provide ongoing review of the implementation of the SPSA with the principal, teachers, and other school staff members
- Make modifications to the SPSA whenever the need arises
- Annually (and at each semester, trimester, etc) evaluate the progress made toward school goals to raise the academic achievement of all students
- Carry out all other duties assigned to the SSC by the district governing board and by state law
If you would like to run for a position in the future, please contact Claudia Tellez or Alma Martinez at (619) 474-9729 . Voting takes place every new school year during our Back to School Night.